Media Articles and Public Relations​
We are happy to contribute to news articles about silver in magazines, newspapers, blogs, TV, Radio, on-line or any other mediums. Feel free to contact us ​for our expert input and comments that we will freely provide to you for your media creatives.
Our Brand New Corporate Offices in Millcreek, Utah - If you are local to us, you can meet here in person to sell. Appointments recommended.

Business Hours
We are technically open 24/7 to our national customers, but if you are local to us in Utah, we do maintain the following business hours for walk in customers and sellers. We prefer to book dedicated appointment times which is why our walk in hours are so tight.
Monday 1-2pm
Tuesday 4-5pm
Wednesday 1-2pm
Thursday 4-5pm
Friday 1-2pm
Closed Saturdays and Sundays
We can be available at almost any other time and day
of the week or on Saturdays mornings by appointment.
Email greg@silvermuseum.org for booking availability.
We also do house calls.
It is also a good idea before visiting us to double check on Google by searching "The Silver Museum LLC business hours" to make sure we are not gone on a trip or closed for the holidays. You can also give us a quick call or text at 813-789-4734 to make sure we are open during our regular scheduled business hours.